“The fees they charge are from 20 years ago when 3.5% and 1.75% were based on homes that cost $100K to $400K. With current prices, the fees make no sense. How many assets have a 2% transaction cost?” —outdoorfun123 “My brother-in-law is a realtor in Canada. He’s 23. Thanks to the recent surge in home prices and the fact that their income is based on percentage of commission, he now makes over $500K per year. Seriously, put aside all of the other crap about whether realtors are useful or necessary or whatever else. They are overpaid. Period. A 5% commission when houses that used to be $250K are now $1 million is absolutely beyond.” —plumpvirgin

“The head football coach at my college led the team through some of the team’s worst years, typically winning fewer than five games per season. He was paid $2M per year plus bonuses."—ExtrapolatedData —Vinnie-Dips “The higher-ups definitely are overpaid, but as always, the people doing the actual work are woefully underpaid. Some of my administration coworkers barely make $30K, but do the work of three people. When we luck into a highly paid administrator who will actually answer emails, go to events, talk to students etc, they never stay for more than a few years.” —GSGrapple

—oceaniceggroll “I’m a doctor. I get paid fairly, but I don’t get paid enough to deal with these dimwits. They don’t understand how things work in the hospital and sit in useless meetings. All. Day. Long. It’s more frustrating when I learn how much they make.”  —u/Gabrovi —0-maxime-0 —Cpt-Night —GothamIntrovert —u/BLAH_BLEEP_GUNIT “My aunt has been a bartender for 20+ years. She has three cars, a nice house, put my cousin through college, and still pays her car insurance and cellphone bill. She always buys awesome, expensive gifts for holidays and birthdays — and she supports my grandma when she needs more than her retirement can afford. I’ve heard from a lot of people she is the best at her job!” —u/Jetter37 “When I ran a small restaurant group, our two main bartenders made $78K and $92K in declared tips one year. That is declared tips, as in credit card and reported cash tips. One of the bartenders was able to buy a riverfront house in cash at one point.” —u/WesbroBaptstBarNGril —UnicornKitt3n



—deathdanish —u/My_No-Porn_Account —u/Ppubs



—Nyx_Valentine “They get paid not because their work is intrinsically valuable, but because it is marketable and can be used to make even more money. For example, it seems outlandish that a studio might pay Chris Pratt to appear in another Jurassic Park movie. But if having Pratt in it means a likely $100M in profits and more long-term franchise hype (and thus value) instead of a less popular actor and $25M in profits, then yeah, paying that much sure seems worth it.” —ptwonline

21 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 6021 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 2921 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 1321 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 3221 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 3621 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 2321 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 5121 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 9721 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 7221 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 2021 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 9821 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 3721 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 621 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 3521 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 6121 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 5821 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 1821 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 6521 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 8721 Jobs That Are Disgustingly Overpaid - 54