“YOU JUST CHANGED MY LIFE I WAS WONDERING WHERE TF THAT SYMBOL WAS!” —Fit_Composer9640 “Add half a lemon to the bowl to make it smell nice and fresh, too.” —tittychittybangbang Note: If you’re on a Mac, it’s a little different. You’ll need to do Option+Delete. “I swam competitively in high school and have been a lifeguard for almost 10 years. I learned this last year…” —amh8011 “Go one step further. My dad insisted on putting each type of utensils in the one section of the basket. That way when unloading you can grab each type in one go.” —BadDub “I use paintbrushes on anything that has an uneven or awkward-to-reach surface. I learned this working in a recording studio (a long time ago) and we always had paintbrushes for keeping dust off of all the knobs and faders.” —foospork “Now, double-click-drag to highlight by word, not by character. Try it and thank me later.” —Eudaimonium “Never knew that and I am quite clever with shortcuts. Also, you can triple-click-drag to highlight an entire paragraph.” —Dr3vvv “Not to be confused with WAX paper do NOT use wax paper in your oven.” —Cookielunatic98 “Do not use wax paper in your oven unless the thing you’re making happens to be a FIRE.” —throwaway-boxer —Lachtaube “Don’t feel bad. I was in my 50s.” —Ok_Aioli1990

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