“A guy one road over from us owns his own septic tank service. He uses his truck for business, has low overhead, and works for himself with two helpers. He came out to help us a few years back. While his two guys were digging up my septic tank, we started talking about cars. He pulled out his phone and started swiping. After about the sixth car, I said ‘maybe I need to change careers.’ I’ve been in engineering for 20 years and I get crap dumped on me all the time. Who knew it would be more lucrative to pump said crap instead of sift through it?” —[deleted] —straighttoplaid “I’m a manager at an Italian joint and the amount of shit I’ve had to clean up is mind blowing. Like who shits outside of the toilet? What kind of person thinks that is funny? I always feel terrible passing it down the ladder so I just do it myself, too.” —speakez421 —SassyPikachuu “Hospice is arguably the most rewarding nursing job out there. Allowing people the ability to die in peace around loved ones is an amazing feeling. Death is a part of life we need to accept so it can be as peaceful as possible.” —SeaJay1187 “I myself do the 911’s. It’s really not so bad so long as you can compartmentalize. It seems like the second I get home, I can barely remember the events from the day, then two days later I’ll be like, ‘oh yeah, that happened.’ The only thing that I have problems with now is anything to do with kids. Ever since I’ve had kids of my own I get a little squeamish.” —honeecumb —Bennythekitten “I used to be a kindergarten teacher. Massive respect for those that do it years on end. I got a thousands hugs and kisses and beautiful moments, but I also got home everyday totally stressed out.” —Rubyhamster

15 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 6115 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 8315 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 4915 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 2415 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 1115 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 7115 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 3015 Jobs People Respect But Would Never Do - 67