The workplace comedy follows the owner of the last Blockbuster in America, Timmy (Randall Park), and his employees as they deal with the everyday struggles of running a video store. In the final moments of the show, Eliza (Melissa Fumero) accidentally admits her true feelings for Timmy on camera, and after the store is left in shambles, Timmy decides he’s done with Blockbuster. The show, which follows a feminist writer in the ’70s, Joyce (Ophelia Lovibond), as she and porn publisher, Doug (Jake Johnson), create the “first erotic magazine for women,” ends when he gives her back control of the magazine after taking it from her. There’s still a chance that another network may pick up the series, so hopefully, sometime in the near future, we’ll be able to find out the fate of the fictional Minx magazine. UPDATE: Starz has picked up Minx, and we’re getting a Season 2! In the Season 1 finale, one of the main characters, Kate (Peyton Kennedy), is interrupted as she tries to come out to her father. And then, at the very end of the episode, we see Luke’s estranged dad knocking on Luke’s door, right before it cuts to black. It definitely sets up for Season 2, but unfortunately, we’ll never see it. Netflix cited a “lower completion rate” as the reason for the cancelation. Fans quickly compared First Kill’s cancelation to Heartstopper’s renewal. Heartstopper, an LGBTQ+ show with two white male leads was renewed, while First Kill, a Black-led show with two lesbian main characters, was cancelled, even though First Kill reportedly had more views. In the final moments of the show, Angela finds out her neighbor, Brian (Devon Gummersall), is in love with her, but ends up, albeit hesitantly, getting into a car with teen heartthrob, Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto). What I would’ve given for just one…more…episode. UGH. Fans were deservedly upset, and Alison Brie, who plays Ruth, said that GLOW’s cancelation was “the great heartbreak” of her career. The show, about a woman, Sheila (Drew Barrymore), who turns into a flesh-eating zombie, ends right as she bites her husband, Joel (Timothy Olyphant), after he gets possessed by a spider-like creature. Quite the cliffhanger if you ask me, but at least the show’s creator, Victor Fresco, gave us some sort of closure. He tweeted: “Yes, Joel is Possessed by Mr. Ball Legs who at first makes him do his bidding…but then, he and Sheila hunt bad people together, and their love for each other goes on forever!" No real reason was given as to why the show was canceled, but fans were outraged, even creating a petition to bring it back. Even though there’s no future for Julie and the Phantoms at Netflix, Kenny Ortega seems willing to bring back the characters in some form or another. While we don’t know for sure why it was canceled, it was one of the most expensive TV shows in Netflix history; it cost $120 million to make.  And Netflix did renew the show, but then, after COVID-19 hit, they decided not to proceed. Entwistle asked Netflix if he could change the ending so it wasn’t that much of a cliffhanger, simply by removing the dialogue of the person who approaches Syd at the end. But the streaming service declined his request. So now, this is what we’re left with. The good news: The show is based on a graphic novel, so we can certainly find out what Syd’s future is. The sort of bad news: Her future doesn’t look too good.

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